Time To Meet "The Donald" At Success Central

Post date: Aug 1, 2013 3:32:18 PM

Since starting my own business back in 2006 I have a made a point of reading books written by people who have already "made it".

I find that reading about these people is most helpful in giving me an insight into the mindset required to be successful in business.

One such person is Donald Trump. I have read most, if not all his books and The Apprentice TV series has always been on my "must watch" list of television programs.

I have been fortunate enough to have visited Trump Tower in Las Vegas (pictured above) several years ago and to say that this building is a work of art is an understatement.

Everything about it screams "SUCCESS" and I would encourage anyone visiting Las Vegas to take some time out and visit this beautiful building to see what I mean.

What I have found most fascinating about Mr Trump's books is that the hassles he has gone through in building his empire are not dissimilar to those issues that we face as small business owners trying to make our own businesses successful - only Mr Trump's problems usually have a lot more "zeros" in their cost!!

This is why This Month's Favorites From The Essential Reading Guide at Success Central are all books on Donald Trump.

If you like no nonsense, straight to the point information and advice on what it takes to be successful, then you will enjoy every book written by and about Donald Trump, so check out Success Central, buy one of his books and let me know what you think.