Hey, Have You Heard About This?

Post date: Apr 27, 2014 2:11:06 PM


If you have been following this blog for a while you would know that the reason why there is not as much content being produced here as was first the case is because of the time I am now spending working on BookPals.

A big part of this time is now spent arranging and producing podcast episodes for the BookPals Business Sanity podcast.

On the face of it, you might ask, "How does this create more business?", but when you hear the stats, the answer is quite obvious - the BookPals Business Sanity podcast gets around 4000 downloads a month!!!!

Have a think about this for a minute - over 1000 people every week "tune in" to hear what is being said at BookPals Business Sanity - don't you think that this is a wonderful opportunity to let people know about your products and services?

Well - just quietly - we think it is - and this is why we have teamed up with Sean Kaye of Rapid Action Podcasting so that anyone looking for ways to "expand their marketing reach" can learn how to do so by accessing Sean's podcast training course directly from the BookPals website.

When you know how to, podcasts are not that hard to set up and produce, but the difference in their ability to attract a larger audience of potential customers when they are produced professionally compared to when you produce them like an amateur defies belief.

This is why I am suggesting that you check out Sean's course - it will give you all the tricks and tips you need to produce what I believe is a "marketing machine" in the form of a podcast.

Now the best part - the cost of the course is $7.00.

That's right - $7.00!!!!

If you can show me a more cost effective way to get over 1000 visitors to your website every month I want to hear about it - because I have been unable to find it - and this is why I would encourage you to sign up for Sean's course - at $7.00 for the course, what have you got to lose - really?

More importantly - what have you got to gain by doing Sean's course?