It's Nearly That Time Again - End Of Financial Year - Yaaah!!!! (NOT)

Post date: Jun 21, 2014 7:59:22 AM

Have you looked at your calendar lately?

Yep - it's nearly June the 30th again - and you know what that means - time to get all your paperwork together for your annual visit to the Accountant to get your tax return done.

Don't you just love this time of the year?

Stop swearing - I already know your answer and I'm only joking!!!! LOL

Honestly though, are you one of those people who gets to the end of each financial year and starts shuddering because of all the time you will now waste trying to get your paperwork into some kind of order?

If it's any consolation, this really can be the last year that end of financial year is a hassle in your life - if you sign up for BookPals for when it releases later this year!!

No more scrummaging through filing cabinets and desk drawers searching for receipts.

No more time wasting questions about your financial records from your Accountant.

No more sleepless nights worried that you may have missed paperwork and you are going to pay thousands more in tax as a result.

This is what BookPals is all about and why we have been working so hard on it for so long - you have better things to do with your time than to be wasting hours getting your paperwork ready for tax time, so do it now while you are here - register for Bookpals now and while you are waiting to hear that it is ready for you to use (I reckon it's a couple of months off at this stage, but we'll let you know as soon as it is ready to go) get your paperwork together for this financial year - safe in the knowledge that this is the last year that you will need to go through this time wasting hassle.